Your Business in Danger: The Year 2000 Crisis

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Table of Contents

Your Business in Danger: The Year 2000 Crisis

Where are you Dec 31, 1999 at 11:59 PM?

What is the Millennium Bug?

How did this happen?

Should I worry about the Millennium bug?

Will there really be a problem? (Source: Computerworld, August 17, 1998, Page 51)

Will there be a miracle cure?

How do I fix the problem?

How do I plan my Y2K resource budget? (Source: Computerworld August 17, 1998, Page 51)

What should I check? Part I

What should I check? Part II

What should I check ? Part III

What are my Legal Worries?

What are my Operational Worries?

What are my Inconveniences?

What should I be doing now?

Where do you get more information?


Who is Hendela System Consultants?

Author: Arthur H. Hendela


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